What can an organic skincare company do to stand out in a crowded landscape?
Skincare has gotten so complicated these days. Everything claims to be organic. Everyone is touting results. Who do you trust? Sure, Marie Veronique has the credentials, but they lacked the celebrity star power and endorsements touted by the competition. So, building a brand required moving beyond the individual to the ingredients that truly make a difference.
Our new tagline for the company, Intelligent Ingredients, drove both the content and the creative. Be smart, transparent and simple. Tell a consumer the why, the how and the wow of every product you sell. And do it consistently across every customer touch point. The results speak for themselves—since we first started working for MVO, they’ve experienced a ten-fold increase in sales volume and their conversion rate has increased by 2%.
Strategic Messaging | Tagline |Voice & Tone | Content Strategy | Concept & Copywriting: Website | Product Naming
Packaging | Collateral | Advertising | Facebook | Video
Marie Veronique Organics